Eldritch Invocations v1.0.1 #

Contained within are changes listed for all Eldritch Invocations that have received them.

Eldritch Invocations #

Name Prerequisite Level Effect
Agonizing Blast A Warlock Cantrip that deals damage 3 Choose one of your known Warlock Cantrips that deals damage. You can add your Charisma Modifier to that spell’s damage roll.
Armor of Shadows You can cast Mage Armour on yourself without expending a spell slot.
Ascendant Step 5 You can cast Levitate on yourself without expending a spell slot.
Aspect of the Moon Pact of the Tome
Beast Speech
Beguiling Influence
Bewitching Whispers 7
Bond of the Talisman Pact of the Talisman 12
Book of Ancient Secrets Pact of the Tome
Chains of Carceri Pact of the Chain 15
Cloak of Flies 5
Devil’s Sight 3 You can see normally in Dim Light and Darkness — both magical and nonmagical — within 120 feet of yourself.
Devouring Blade Thirsting Blade Invocation 12 The Extra Attack of your Thirsting Blade invocation confers two extra attacks rather than one.
Dreadful Word 7
Eldritch Mind You have advantage on Constitution Saving Throws that you make to maintain Concentration.
Eldritch Sight
Eldritch Smite Pact of the Blade 5 Once per turn when you hit a Creature with your pact weapon, you can expend a Pact Magic spell slot to deal an extra 2d8 Force Damage to the target, plus another 1d8 per level of the spell slot, and you can knock the target Prone if it is Huge or smaller.
Eldritch Spear A Warlock Cantrip that deals damage 3 Choose one of your known Warlock Cantrips that deals damage and has a range of 10+ feet. When you cast that spell, its range increases by a number of feet equal to 30 times your Warlock level.
Eyes of the Rune Keeper
Far Scribe Pact of the Tome 5
Fiendish Vigor 3 You can cast False Life on yourself without expending a spell slot. When you cast the spell with this feature, you don’t roll the die for the Temporary Hit Points; you automatically get the highest number on the die.
Gaze of Two Minds 5 You can use a Bonus Action to touch a willing Creature and perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As long as the Creature is on the same plane of existence as you, you can take a Bonus Action on subsequent turns to maintain this connection, extending the duration until the end of your next turn. The connection ends if you don’t maintain it in this way. While perceiving through the other Creature’s senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that Creature, and you can cast spells as if you were in your space or the other Creature’s space if the two of you are within 60 feet of each other.
Ghostly Gaze 7
Gift of the Depths 5 You can breathe underwater, and you gain a Swim Speed equal to your Speed. You can also cast Water Breathing once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way when you finish a Long Rest.
Gift of the Ever-Living Ones Pact of the Chain
Gift of the Protectors Pact of the Tome 9 A new page appears in your Book of Shadows when you conjure it. With your permission, a Creature can take an Action to write its name on that page, which can contain a number of names equal to your Charisma Modifier (minimum of one name).
When any Creature whose name is on the page is reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, the Creature magically drops to 1 Hit Point instead. Once this magic is triggered, no Creature can benefit from it until you finish a Long Rest.
As an Action, you can erase a name on the page by touching it.
Grasp of Hadar Eldritch Blast
Improved Pact Weapon Pact of the Blade
Investment of the Chain Master Pact of the Chain 5 When you cast Find Familiar, you infuse the summoned familiar with a measure of your eldritch power, granting the Creature the following benefits.
Aerial or Aquatic. The familiar gains either a Fly Speed or a Swim Speed (your choice) of 40 feet.
Quick Attack. As a Bonus Action, you can command the familiar to take the Attack Action.
Necrotic or Radiant Damage. Whenever the familiar deals Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Slashing Damage, you can make it deal Necrotic or Radiant Damage instead.
Your Save DC. If the familiar forces a Creature t make a Saving Throw, it uses your Spell Save DC.
Resistance. When the familiar takes damage, you can use your Reaction to grant it Resistance against that damage.
Lance of Lethargy Eldritch Blast
Lessons of the First Ones 3 You have received knowledge from an elder entity of the universe, allowing you to gain one Origin feat of your choice.
Lifedrinker Pact of the Blade 9 Once per turn when you hit a Creature with your pact weapon, you can deal an extra 1d6 Necrotic, Psychic, or Radiant Damage (your choice) to the Creature, and you can expend one of your Hit Dice to roll it and regain a number of Hit Points equal to the roll plus your Constitution Modifier (minimum of 1 Hit Point).
Maddening Hex Hex/Curse 5
Mask of Many Faces 3 You can cast Disguise Self without expending a spell slot.
Master of Myriad Forms 5 You can cast Alter Self without expending a spell slot.
Minions of Chaos 9
Mire the Mind 5
Misty Visions 3 You can cast Silent Image without expending a spell slot.
One with Shadows 5 While you’re in an area of Dim Light or Darkness, you can cast Invisibility on yourself without expending a spell slot.
Otherworldly Leap 3 You can cast Jump on yourself without expending a spell slot.
Protection of the Talisman Pact of the Talisman 7
Rebuke of the Talisman Pact of the Talisman
Relentless Hex Hex/Curse 7
Repelling Blast A Warlock Cantrip that deals damage
via an Attack Roll
3 Choose one of your known Warlock Cantrips that requires an Attack Roll. When you hit a Large or smaller Creature with that cantrip, you can push the Creature up to 10 feet straight away from you.
Sculptor of Flesh 7
Shroud of Shadow 15
Sign of Ill Omen 5
Thief of Five Fates
Thirsting Blade Pact of the Blade 5 You gain the Extra Attack feature for your pact weapon only. With that feature, you can Attack twice with the weapon instead of once when you take the Attack Action on your turn.
Tomb of Levistus 5
Trickster’s Escape 7
Undying Servitude 5
Visions of Distant Realms 9 You can cast Arcane Eye without expending a spell slot.
Voice of the Chain Master Pact of the Chain
Whispers of the Grave 7 You can cast Speak with Dead without expending a spell slot.
Witch Sight 15 You have Truesight with a range of 30 feet.
Any innvocation with a "—" in its Effect column will need to be used in its default format if it is still relevant (E.g. Book of Ancient Secrets is nearly irrelevant with the Pact of the Tome buffs).
And with the changes to Ritual Casting (all classes can do it), casting any Ritual Spell at Will is almost entirely irrelevant.